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Accessibility Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction

image for the blog post Accessibility Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction

Accessibility is often misunderstood, leading to several myths that can deter businesses from implementing necessary enhancements. Let's put a few of these myths to rest.

Myth 1: Accessibility is Only for People with Disabilities

Fact: While accessibility primarily helps people with disabilities, it also improves the user experience for all. Features like clear navigation, video captions, and voice commands enhance usability for users in various situations, such as those browsing in noisy environments or using devices in bright sunlight.

Myth 2: Making a Website Accessible is Expensive

Fact: The cost of making a website accessible varies, but it is generally not as high as many assume. When accessibility is integrated from the beginning of the web design process, it is far more cost-effective than retrofitting an existing site. Moreover, the potential legal costs of non-compliance with accessibility laws can far exceed the expense of implementing accessible features.

At Inlcud we have a number of options to make your sites accessible. Check out our Accessibility Audits or our Accessibility Widget

Myth 3: Accessibility Negatively Impacts Aesthetic Design

Fact: Accessibility and aesthetics are not mutually exclusive. Many accessible websites are also beautifully designed. Accessibility encourages simplicity and clarity in design, which can lead to more elegant and user-friendly interfaces.

Myth 4: Accessibility is Difficult to Implement

Fact: While accessibility does require some knowledge and effort, it is not as daunting as it seems. Many resources and tools are available to help web developers understand and implement accessibility standards. Following well-established guidelines like the WCAG makes the process manageable and effective.

Myth 5: Accessibility is Only About Compliance

Fact: Beyond legal compliance, accessibility enhances functionality and reach, opening up websites to a wider audience, including the elderly and those with temporary injuries. Accessibility can improve SEO, enhance brand reputation, and increase customer loyalty.

Myth 6: Small Businesses Don't Need to Worry About Accessibility

Fact: Accessibility affects businesses of all sizes. Small businesses, in particular, can benefit from the competitive advantage that comes with an accessible website, attracting more customers who value inclusivity.

Debunking Myths with Real-World Examples

To further debunk these myths, let’s look at real-world examples of businesses that have successfully integrated accessibility:

Case Study 1: A Small E-Commerce Site

After implementing basic accessibility features, a small e-commerce site saw an increase in customer base by 18%, including older users who appreciated the easy navigation and readable text.

Case Study 2: A Tech Startup

A tech startup integrated accessibility into its design process, resulting in a platform that not only complies with legal standards but also delivers a superior user experience, leading to high user engagement and rapid growth.


The myths surrounding web accessibility are largely based on misconceptions and outdated information. By debunking these myths, businesses can see the true value of accessibility, not only as a compliance requirement but as a cornerstone of user-centered design and business strategy.

Includ Have many tools and options to help you on your journey to accessibility such as our Accessibility Audits or our Accessibility Widget

Talk us today about your digital accessibility needs